Wednesday 27 July 2011

Dreaming of Lughnasadh - Lammas - Harvest Home under the Mead Moon

Almost Lughnasadh - Lammas - Harvest Home 
and under the Mead Moon I sat, 
dreamily thinking of this time of year, the turn of the season, the harvest coming, planning ahead and remembering.
That night I dreamt of the shining one's blessings and triskelle, the spiraling circle of life and then 
of the beautiful reflective Moon lighting our nights, our hearts.

Mead Moon Dreaming 2011

Celtic Clans

Celebrate the season
The shining one, the corn mother
The fruitful abundance and energy
Honour those who share their wisdom and experience
Appreciate all in gratitude, with joy
Harvest, store, sing, celebrate successes
Build on these

Be your dreams

and on that topic, sometimes magic happens...I swapped a painting for this

 Emma Hedley's lyric bangle with my chosen words

"seed flower fruit rest
sun moon earth sky
rainbow paints joy peace
love and light
be your dreams"

Loving it - thanks Emma!



Sally Stafford said...

beautiful painting, words and bangle

TitusL said...

Beautiful post thank you,
thought you might like my Lammas Wickerman
machinima film,
Bright Blessings, Elf ~

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

awesome painting! beautiful words! and a bangle to wear with words to inspire...

Lindsey said...

Thanks Laura - wearing the bangle is a daily meditation! Welcome to the Celtic Year.
Love and light

Lizbeth Wilson said...

Great post. Love the words, the picture and the bangle, which looks even better in real life!

Lindsey said...

Thanks Lizbeth

the words were part of the dream too - sometimes they come easy!

Hugs lovely lady and I hope your harvest chutney still has my name on it!