Wednesday 8 April 2009

Spring Equinox - A coming of age

Dressed in robes of crimson and black
Spring arrives and winter must go
Doubt, confusion, fills my mind
I yearn for life afresh
Clinging to the past
For what I’ve lost
Fearinus! *
Is here

Trembling, sweating, I try to progress
Fear for the future holds me back
My brain searches for the past
Alder trees line the sky
A new moon rises
My bleeding stops
Life moves on
So do

Author - Marie

*In ancient Greece Cronus was represented by the Alder tree. One of his names was Fearinus. The Irish/ Gaelic ogham name for the Alder is Fearn. Fearinus is an Alder God. Translated, literally Fearinus means the dawn of the year. Therefore he is the spirit of the Spring Equinox.

Welcome Marie, this beautiful poem and image is a first contribution from Marie that arrived today. She presented the poem printed in white over the tree image....the shape of the poem and the tree enhancing each other perfectly. Unfortunately harder to read in blog format so I have separated them before posting, I hope you don't mind Marie, but words and images will be together for the exhibition. Sally


Lindsey said...

Hi Matie

Love your shape poem!

Lizbeth Wilson said...

love the shape and the message - looks great on the blog!

Fi said...

Hi Marie

love the poem and the image, looking forward to seeing them together in the exhibition.
