during the Coleford Festival of Words, one of the events was called 'Words & Ideas' and involved myself, Sally, Liz (all of the CY project) and Lori Strong Wisdom, a visual artist from just over the Welsh border.
We four were presenting a 'show and tell' about the multi-art form or artist-collaborative activities that we've been enjoying recently. The concept of the event was that everyone should 'have a go' at creative expression, in whatever form they wished to ... to just play!
In the audience was Bridget. I met Bridget when she came to a Writing Fairy Tales workshop that I delivered at Beechenhurst Loft in the Forest, this was about three years ago, so it was lovely for me to see her again.
And then even more lovely, a few days after the Festival to receive through the post a letter and accompanying poem from Bridget. I've copied the letter and poem below - after asking Bridget's permission to do so. She refers to the event as 'Words and Images' which methinks is a better title, maybe we'll retitle the event for next year's Festival :-)
Bridget doesn't have internet access, but I'll pass on to her any comments that you might want to make after reading the poem.
Dear Fi
It was good to see you at the Festival. I found your 'Words and Images' an oasis calm in the middle of a hectic week. How wonderful adults can allow themselves to do something for pure enjoyment and admit it!
I threw a few words together to help me remember the evening and enclose a copy so you will know someone listened to what you had to say!
I still can't believe you put that in your pocket!
Kind regards
Do you remember play?
Carefree, unfettered joy,
Mind and body
Free to wander the
Path of imagination.
Young child's 'friend'
Known only to the believer
Invisible to those
Trapped by convention,
Rules and regulations.
Some break free.
One tore pages
From a favourite book
Then placed them
On banana sheets.
Gave words life,
Colour and movement,
Her reward – FUN –
To a loved one
A precious gift.
An artist put aside her work
Painted for pleasure
Immortalising a dream.
Orchard rich with bloom
Bathed in moonlight.
These blossoms will not fade
Or be forgotten.
Her birch trees too
Remain erect, unscathed
Nature's everlasting cathedral pillars.
Another, given
Unexpected time and space
Chose to play with words,
Some her own,
Others lent by friends.
She stirred them round
Sought bits that fit,
Helped them to join together
Releasing poetry
She had not expected.
Another, opening her eyes in dark places
Found Nature's magic in
Fungi, black and apple-shaped
Which she carried in a pocket.
To her delight
It drew mysterious circles overnight.
When spent she placed it in
The garden to revive.
This was not its element
It belonged in dark, damp places
Yet it was here she found her
Light at the end of a tunnel.
Secret Nature 2025 Wall Calendar
4 months ago
This is great, describes the session so lyrically, I can feel the joy & emotion that was radiating from Fi, Sally, Liz and Lori as they shared with us. I love poetry that tells a story!
Yes, that was lovely. i am sorry i missed the session. I wish I had the imagination I had as a child beautifully captured in your poem
Hi Bridget
I love your poem....thank you so much for sharing it. Its a beautiful memory of a special event. Sally x
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