Saturday 7 February 2009

First response...

Saturday Afternoon

snow outside
the bash of rugby on the screen
clever that blue sky
teasing something thats hopeful
when all its breath has been shaping icicles

slow these words
like the hours
a week of time
reduced to allowing nature its head

unlearn, simplify
stand so softly, the moon is at work
watch more often, take less steps
inhale centuries, count your onions.

Roger Drury

Liz thanks for your poem, I hear many voices within it, a group hovering above, lashing tongues to clouds of warm breath, spirit speech bubbles? and music and water cracking and dribbling down rock

a poem and comment that Roger sent in reply/reponse to the previous post...


Fi said...

Hi Roger,

Comments on your Saturday Afternoon poem ...

I love the image of the 'bash' of rugby - I love rugby for the passion of the 'engage', the symmetry of the scrum and the throw in, and for the intellectuallity of it (it took me a while to realise, but it is actually chess isn't it!) - bash is a fabulous descriptor

I also loved the image of the sky's breath shaping icicles, and the moon at work, and the savouring pleasure of counting your onions.

A further phrase 'inhale centuries' resonated with Liz's 'snow petals kissing bare earth with icy touch' when I re-read both poems ... I feel a tale coming on :-)


Anonymous said...



I;ve plagiarised it for my presentation to the European Commission this afternoon

will it help ???