Wednesday 18 February 2009

Oak King and opals

I have been thinking about a recent post in Australian artist Hazel Dooney’s blog. She describes some of the simple gifts and found objects that have meaning for her. Click here to read her post.
These opals are meaningful to me. They are gifts from my first trip to Queensland in 2005. The reason I love them so much is that to me they symbolise the four elements water, air, earth and fire.
I have been intending to take them as a starting point for some abstract paintings.
The next event in the Celtic Year is the Spring Equinox. One of my favourite myths associated with this date relates to the Holly King and the Oak King. One ruling the winter, the other the summer. They battle with each other endlessly through the Celtic year. At the Spring Equinox the Oak King begins to get the upper hand until he once again defeats the Holly King at at the summer solstice. Remembering this and looking at the opals again...all be it on a rainy day here in the forest I see how they could tell this tale.
I feel an Equinox Oak King painting coming on....


Fi said...

The top two photographs are breathtaking!

Surreal and beautiful, what great colours.

And I see that the Holly King left his spectacles in the ice so that he could spy on the Oak King once the snow had melted ... :-)


Lizbeth Wilson said...

Beautiful photo's. Hope to see the paintings!